You would like to customize the analysis and exploitation of your payroll data to better suit your business’ specific needs?
The Report Generator solution allows you to create or edit the standard reports that are available to you, thus enhancing your experience with Employer D.
The cost for this training is $235 for the first participant and only $164 for each additional participant.
You have access to this solution, but feel you lack control to use it to its full extent? This training course is for you!
You do not yet have the Report Generator solution but wish to add it? Contact our Complementary solutions team for more information about this tool.
When you add the Report Generator solution to your service offer, two (2) participants receive this training course free of charge. A $153 fee with apply for each additional participant.
At the end of the training, you will be able to:
Completion of Employer D’s Payroll Essentials training course
You will learn to: